Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pembaziran Yang Melampau

Scooter Braun Projects, the company that managed South Korean megastar Psy's show in Penang - estimated to cost RM3.5 million - clarifed today that it had never been engaged or paid by the Malaysian government for the artist's appearance on Feb 11. In a statement issued to Bernama today, the firm stressed that news and articles circulating on the Internet suggesting otherwise are therefore pure conjecture and manifestly untrue. "Scooter Braun Projects wishes to categorically state that we have never been engaged or paid by the Malaysian government for the artiste's recent performance in Penang, Malaysia," reads the statement. According to The Malay Mail yesterday, Psy's show cost a total of RM3.5 million for the 10-minute performance. Psy, whose real name is Park Jae-sang, belted out two versions of the popular 'Oppa Gangnam Style' which the daily claims had cost RM500,000 each
Walau siapa pun yang menanggung kos kedatangan artis Korea tersebut, ia tetap dikira sebagai suatu pembaziran yang melampau, apatah lagi kedatangannya direstui dengan suatu majlis rasmi. Selain itu, ia juga tidak menambahkan modal insan dan integriti masayarakat Malaysia. Sebaliknya ia hanya menambahkan lagi sumbangan terhadap keruntuhan akhlak dan gejala sosial yang makin bertambah dari hari ke hari. 

1 comment:

  1. sedekah 10 ribu ekar tanah kat DAP itupun melampau
